Using saved sets

Many Vectorworks dialog boxes allow you to save the current settings so that they can be quickly applied again.

To use saved sets:

Open the object’s preferences or settings dialog box.

The top part of the dialog box offers options for saved settings.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.




Displays the name of the current saved set; to use a different saved set, select it from the list of saved sets available for the object.

Any set in the list with angle brackets indicates either a Vectorworks default set or a set that hasn’t been saved. For example, <Active Settings> or <Custom Settings> refers to the dialog box’s current parameters, which are not saved as a set. <COBie Defaults> is an example of a default set provided by Vectorworks.


Opens the Save Settings dialog box to name and save the current parameter settings; the saved set is added to the Settings list


Opens the Manage Saved Sets dialog box, to rename or delete saved sets. Select a name from the list, and then click the appropriate button.

When renaming a set, if the entered name is already assigned to another set, you are prompted to confirm that you want to replace the existing set.


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